Learn About Different Types of Eyebrows Lift Surgery

Gravity pulls down on everything, and as you get older, it can do a number on your eyes, brows, and forehead. Even if you’re gregarious by nature, all of them tend to droop, giving you a worn-out or sullen face that may turn others off.

Fortunately, eyebrows lift surgery allows you to resist gravity's pull and improves your appearance and mood. It can be considered the best way to lift eyebrows.

Our plastic surgeons at Hilton Head Plastic Surgery & MedSpa are aware of how upsetting becoming older may be. By lifting your brows, removing wrinkles from your forehead skin, and enhancing the look of the area surrounding your eyes, they can counter some of your biggest concerns. We believe people choose us when looking for “plastic surgeons near me” in Hilton Head area because we recognize the value of time, especially for our clients.

A brow lift can be done on its own or in conjunction with an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) to totally rejuvenate the top of your face. Whatever you decide, Hilton Head Plastic Surgery & MedSpa plastic surgeons use a conservative, creative approach to offer you give you natural-looking results and minimal scarring. Whether it’s brow lift surgery or nose surgery rhinoplasty, our expert plastic surgeon can help you achieve the best results.

The types of brow lifts

There are three most common types of brow lifts: classic, temporal, and endoscopic.

Classic (coronal) brow lift

The coronal lift used to be the industry standard, but it has fallen out of fashion since less-invasive techniques have become available. But occasionally, it could be important to follow this process in order to get the desired outcomes.

Just behind the hairline and from ear to ear, the surgeon performs a single, lengthy incision. To make you look younger, the surgeon trims away extra skin, fat, and tissue and repositions the skin that's left.

Temporal or limited-incision brow lift

This procedure is most commonly performed in cooperation with eyelid surgery. Right above each temple and just behind the hairline, the plastic surgeon makes inch-long incisions. Through these incisions, the outer brow tissue is lifted and repositioned. Finally, the surgeon raises the space between the brows to reduce frown lines by working through the incisions made for the upper eyelid operation.

Endoscopic brow lift

The endoscopic approach is now the preferred option for eyebrows lift surgery because it is less intrusive than the other two while still producing effective results. In order to minimize visible scars, a number of very small incisions are made just behind the hairline.

Then, the muscles are repositioned and the underlying forehead tissue is raised, removing more tissue if needed while utilizing a miniature camera and extremely thin instrument. A youthful, natural-looking brow is the end product.

The brow lift surgery experience

A few stitches or staples may be used to close your incisions; these are typically removed a week after surgery. After a brow lift, you shouldn't feel too much pain, although it's normal to feel some tightness and discomfort in the forehead region. You may experience some swelling and bruising, but they should start to fade away about 10 days following the procedure and usually disappear within two weeks. Get in touch with Hilton Head Plastic Surgery & MedSpa if you’re considering eyebrows lift surgery.


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